Vijay Patel Dental Medical Doctor

Vijay Patel

MHC Main & MHC Quick Care

  • 520-682-4111
  • 13395 N. Marana Main St. Marana, AZ 85653
Provider Bio​

When did you know you wanted to become a provider? 
My father has been in public health his entire life, and ever since I was kid I knew that was the path for me!

What inspired you to choose your specialty?
I always knew I wanted to help people and work with my hands. Scientific, technical, and clinical problems fascinate me and led me to dentistry, which happens to truly satisfy all of those interests!

What conditions or procedures are you especially interested in?
Preventative dentistry is my favorite – knowing that we’re setting our patients up for a lifetime of healthy habits is the best part of my day.

Do you volunteer or participate in community activities?
I’m currently involved in the Active 20/30 Club of Tucson and The Centurions – both are philanthropy based organizations that focus on local children’s charities, donating time and resources all across our communities.

What are your hobbies?
My favorite hobby is golf – watching, playing, and practicing! I also enjoy spending time with my family and friends enjoying the outdoors and hanging out with our dogs.

Education and medical training
B.S. in Molecular and Cellular Biology
B.A. in Religious Studies, Chemistry Minor